Facilities / Grounds
About our Department
The Medford School District's quest for excellence extends beyond the classroom!
Our Facilities and Grounds department takes pride in its important role as a support service - providing safe, comfortable buildings for the educational process. Medford schools have received awards for excellence in education which includes recognition at the national level. Principals and their staff certainly deserve credit for these achievements, as does every Facilities and Grounds staff member.
Our Facilities and Grounds department benefits from the services of talented, licensed journeymen personnel. These dedicated employees have time and again demonstrated a skill level far beyond the norm; likewise, their dedication to the teamwork approach compliments objectives and goals established by MSD 549C School Board and District Administration.
Ron Havniear
Executive Director of Security, Leadership and Facilities
Facilities - Emergency After Hours
(541) 842-3900
IT - Emergency After Hours
(541) 842-3901
Tina Chasteen - Administrative Assistant
Phone: (541) 842-1121
Andy Chasteen
Facilities Manager
Facilities - Emergency After Hours
(541) 842-3900
IT - Emergency After Hours
(541) 842-3901
Hannah Maynard - Office Manager
Phone: (541) 842-1174
MSD Emergency After Hours Assistance
If you have a life-threatening emergency or see a crime in progress at a school, please call 911.
From 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, you can reach the facilities office at (541) 842-3646.
If you have a school-related emergency/concern after hours, on weekends, or over holidays, please contact the following numbers for assistance:
Facilities - Emergency After Hours Phone – (541) 842-3900
Network Telecom Services (NTS) - Emergency After Hours Phone
*(541) 842-3901 (Security Alarms, Fire Alarms, etc)
*Leave a detailed message with your name, phone number and location. A technician will be paged and will call you back.