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Integrated Pest Management

Where did Integrated Pest Management (IPM) originate?  

In 2009, Senate Bill 634.700 required school districts to adopt an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan.

What is IPM?  

IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management using comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interactions with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. IPM programs take advantage of all pest management options possible including, but not limited to, the judicious use of pesticides. Understanding pest needs is essential to implementing IPM effectively. Pests seek habitats that provide basic needs such as air, moisture, food, and shelter. Pest populations can be prevented or controlled by creating inhospitable environments, by removing some of the basic elements pests need to survive, or by simply blocking their access into buildings. Pests may also be managed by other methods such as traps, vacuums, or pesticides. An understanding of what pests need in order to survive is essential before action is taken.  

How can staff help?

·         Eliminate pest habitat by maintaining neat and orderly classrooms and/or workspaces.

·         Minimize the amount of food and candy stored in schools.

·         Minimize the number of areas that food is consumed in.

·         Utilize the kitchens and staff rooms.

·         Store necessary food items properly in sealed, airtight containers.

·         Eliminate pest-harboring material such as couches, bean bags, etc.

·         Purge items that are no longer necessary.

·         Report pest sightings to custodial staff immediately.

·         Do not apply pesticide on your own.

·         Support and take the time to understand the intent of the IPM plan.

·         Be part of the solution.


Who can apply a pesticide?

All applications must be coordinated with the facilities office ahead of time.  Only licensed applicators are allowed to administer a pesticide.  The facilities office maintains licensed applicators on staff.

What does a notification look like?


This is to notify the public that the Medford School District has a pesticide application planned at TBD Medford School on February 14th, 2015.  For 24 hours following this application, this area should be avoided.  This application is being carried out under the District’s Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan and in accordance with the Oregon State law ORS 634.700-634.750 enacted July 1, 2012.   Each site affected by this application will also have a sign posted that gives the date, time, and name of the approved EPA registration number of the low impact pesticide being applied.

Pesticide Sign

What are the characteristics of a comprehensive IPM plan?  

ORS 634.700 defines an IPM plan as a proactive strategy that: 

1. Focuses on the long-term prevention or suppression of pest problems through economically sound measures that:

·         Protect the health and safety of students, staff and faculty;

·         Protect the integrity of district buildings and grounds;

·         Maintain a productive learning environment;

·         Protect the local ecosystem health;

2. Focuses on the prevention of pest problems by working to reduce or eliminate conditions that promote the establishment, feeding, breeding and proliferation of pest populations that create harborage for pests during building operations and maintenance.  All measures covered by this IPM plan will cover all district construction projects and contractors hired to preform work at any district site or building.

3. Incorporates the use of sanitation, structural improvements, habitat manipulation, or of mechanical, biological or chemical control measures that presents a reduced risk or have a low impact for the purpose of mitigating a declared pest emergency.

4. Includes regular monitoring and inspections to detect pests, pest damage and unsanctioned pesticide usage;

5. Evaluates the need for pest control by identifying acceptable pest population density levels;

6. Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of pest control measures;

7. Excludes the application of pesticides on a routine schedule for purely preventive purposes, other than applications of pesticides designed to attract or be consumed by pests;

8. Excludes the application of pesticides for purely aesthetic purposes;

9. Includes education of school staff on sanitation, monitoring, inspection and pest control measures;

10. Gives preference to the use of nonchemical pest control measures;

11. Allows the use of low-impact pesticides if nonchemical pest control measures are ineffective;

12. Allows the application of a pesticide that is not a low-impact pesticide only to mitigate a declared pest emergency or if the application is by, or at the direction or order of, a public health official.

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