Medford School District 549C
Publications Department Guidelines
- Originals: Must be camera ready. We do not have the facitlites for doing graphics.
- Originals must have a 1/2" margin at the top (lead edge) of the page and a 3/16" margin on the sides and the bottom of the page.
- Originals: that are front and back on one sheet of paper count as 2 original pages.
- Light computer printouts, light type, and poor quality originals are very difficult for our equipment to copy.
- Identification of your item is needed on each work order. Keep a record or copy of your work order until you receive your printed material.
- Due Dates: on multiple work orders, should be spaced over a period of time, rather than all being due on the same date.
- Work orders are filed by DUE DATES in the Publications Department. If you have the due date available it will be easier to locate your work when you call.
Submit a Work Order Here