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Our Beliefs

Arts programs have the potential to center joy, creativity, and resilience in our schools, provide meaningful and relevant learning opportunities for our students and prepare all students for healthy and successful future endeavors through well-rounded learning. Through standards-aligned arts learning opportunities, students gain access to essential skills and knowledge to communicate effectively, develop their creativity and make meaningful change in our complex world. 

MSD students have a wide variety of arts experiences available through their schools. Elementary students participate in Music and visual and media arts. Secondary students can expand their interest in the arts by participating in Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Theater, Media Arts and Visual Arts. 

Arts Program Goals

  • Music and artistic literacy

  • Fine arts competency and achievement

  • Access to courses at basic and advanced levels

  • Cultural connections

  • Self-esteem and self-expression

  • Artistic expression and creativity

  • Life-long arts appreciation

Benefits of Arts Education

  • Higher academic achievement

  • Cultural relationships

  • Respect for self, family, school and community

  • Strong school and parent partnerships

  • Leadership and self-confidence

  • Collaboration and communication

  • Expanded career opportunities

  • Skills for a global economy

Parent and Community Involvement

MSD encourages families to support their student's development in Music and the Arts. Families and community members can: 

  • Volunteer in the classroom

  • Help students learn music at home

  • Encourage exploring and creating visual and media art at home

  • Attend school performances and arts events

  • Support arts programs through your Parent/Teacher organization

  • Share expertise and knowledge of music and arts from your own culture or country of origin

Learning Standards

The State Board Adopted Oregon Arts standards provide a guide to what students should be able to know and do in arts courses at specified grade levels. Based on the National Core Arts Standards, they contain standards for five discrete disciplines, a glossary for each discipline and supporting materials for the standards.