Math Acceleration
Math Acceleration (Grade/Course Skipping) in MSD Grades 3 through 10
Background: Students who are capable of moving more quickly through mathematics content deserve thoughtful attention, both to ensure we are challenging them, and to master the full range of mathematical content and skills—without passing over critical concepts and topics. Before we place a student in an accelerated course, we make serious efforts to consider evidence of the student’s conceptual understanding, knowledge of procedural skills, fluency, and ability to apply mathematics. In the Medford School District, we take care to ensure that students fully understand all critical topics in the mathematics curriculum and state standards and that the continuity of the mathematics learning progression is not disrupted.
Process: Medford School District’s process for considering acceleration in mathematics is a team effort to analyze various aspects of a student’s mathematical needs. If a student or their family wishes to consider skipping a mathematics grade or course, please follow these steps:.
- Contact the Student Services Assistant Principal at your school.
- A meeting will be scheduled several weeks in advance so the school has time to gather multiple measures to analyze a student’s readiness for acceleration.
- Those gathered at the meeting can include family member(s), teacher(s), administrator(s), and the student.
- Topics to be discussed include the family’s goals, student readiness, student work samples, and assessment results. (Please note identification of Talented and Gifted in Math is not an indicator of current proficiency, rather an indicator that a student has evidence of proficiency in the past.)
- A decision will be determined at the meeting