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Connect with us through Facebook and Instagram. Follow us to get the latest news and information.
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Families & Community: Email Us
In Your Inbox
A communication that cuts out the clutter! Check out The Main Things, our bi-monthly newsletter.
Community Feedback
At MSD, we value the input of our staff, families, and community members. Click here to contact us.
Peachjar Flyer
Our schools use an electronic flyer communication tool called “Peachjar.” To view school-approved e-flyers, scroll to the bottom of your schools website. You will also receive school emails from Peachjar bringing the flyers right to your device!
To request to submit your flyer to Peachjar click here:
Grades & More
ParentVUE will provide you with the latest information about your student's attendance, class schedules, conferences, course history, fees, final grades and other information. You can also use this application to view and update specific demographic information about your student.
Lend Your Support
We appreciate our volunteers. Click here to learn more about how you can volunteer.
Pathways Program
MSD Pathways are organized within three broad areas of interest to provide internships and mentoring opportunities: Academic, Career and Technical Education, and Visual and Performing Arts
Family Notifications
Using robocalls, text messages , and emails, we keep families up-to-date. Check with your school's office to make sure your contact information is current in our system in order to receive these important notifications.
Media Relations
The communication team is the primary point of contact for the news media. Please visit our communication department's page for contact information.