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MPACT (Medford Pre-Apprenticeship for Construction Trades)

Medford Pre-Apprenticeship in the Construction Trades (MPACT) is a BOLI-approved pre-apprenticeship program that prepares youth for careers in the construction and manufacturing trades. Juniors and seniors who have completed at least one year in a construction or manufacturing CTE course and passed algebra 1 are eligible to participate. Youth who complete the program:

·         Experience a minimum of 3 industry tours to established construction or manufacturing sites, including apprenticeship training sites, job sites, education programs, job fairs, and more,

·         Complete OSHA-10 certification,

·         Complete National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC – also known as WorkKeys),

·         Talk with industry professionals,

·         Complete a trades-based resume,

·         Engage in at least 6 hours of work experience related to their career goals,

·         Collect at least one letter of recommendation, and

·         Receive support for apprenticeship applications.

Upon completion, students receive a pre-apprenticeship certificate from BOLI which improves their employability and may provide them with additional points toward a formal apprenticeship.

Interested students should contact their Future Center Coordinator or Dr. Larina Warnock at / 541.842.3872.

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First page of the PDF file: MPACTFlyer2024-2025
First page of the PDF file: MPACTFLYERSpanish