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MSD Guiding Documents

Our guiding documents have been created and vetted by multiple stakeholders, including staff, families, and the community. They are aspirational; we aim for perfection to achieve excellence! They give us a framework to our work and help tell our story throughout the organization and to our greater community.

Shared Vision

First page of the PDF file: SharedVision

Coherency Map

Coherency Map

Leadership Definition

Story of a Student

The Medford School District is excited to launch its Story of a Student! This aspirational document guides our work to help students achieve their potential and own their present and future! 

In November 2021, we sent a survey to staff, students, and families asking: At the end of your time in school and during your school years, what qualities, characteristics, and skills do you hope to possess? Who do you hope to be? 

In January 2022, we began meeting with a volunteer committee made up of staff, parents and students to help develop our guiding document.

Our Story of a Student embodies the knowledge and skills our students need to bring their stories to life. It focuses on giving our students access to agency, growth and connection to develop the characteristics they need to bring their stories to life.

First page of the PDF file: StoryofaStudent

How does having agency help students write their own stories? Watch our videos below.

In the Medford School District, we have a shared vision that ALL are learning and learning is for ALL. See how these students are remaining resilient through adversity to grow.