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Safety, Security and Emergency Management

Elementary School Vestibules

New security vestibules are being built at Hoover, Howard, Jefferson, Griffin Creek, and Jacksonville elementary schools.

MPD and MFD at the Community Emergency Response Drill

MPD and MFD at the Community Emergency Response Drill

Reunification practice for the district

Reunification practice for the district

Hedrick Fencing Project

Hedrick Fencing Project in progress over the summer break.

June 22 Drill MPD and Mercy Flights

June 22 Drill MPD and Mercy Flights

NMHS Seismic Upgrade to Gym

NMHS undergoes seismic upgrade to gym over the summer.

Emergency Go Buckets

Emergency classroom lockdown buckets are located in every classroom.


Safety and security is a shared value in the Medford School District (MSD).  We constantly strive to strike a balance between a safe and secure environment and open and welcome schools.  We know a safe learning environment is essential to a quality student experience.  As such, security is at the forefront of everything we do in the MSD.  We have a robust multi-layered security approach to keep the main thing the main thing - teachers teaching and students learning! 

While our main focus is on preventative measures, we also know that it is important to be proficient in responding effectively when a situation warrants. It is important that we build some specific capabilities as well as the capacity to respond to a variety of scenarios.  As such, we have committed to systematizing safety and security across the District.  MSD is committed to this investment in preparedness and needs the community's partnership in this endeavor.  Please, if you see something, say something and we will do everything within our means to do something.  Help us keep schools safe!