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Air Quality

Almeda Fire

During the long "dog days of summer" the intense heat can dry out the surrounding forests and lead to significant wildfires.  With wildfires comes smoke and poor air quality.

What's the Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) for schools and air quality?

  • Recess and outdoor sports practices and athletic events can continue up to 150
  • Schools should consider rescheduling to a different time and/or area with a lower AQI when the AQI is between 101‐150 (orange)
  • Cancellation is required for all outdoor events when AQI reaches 151 (red)
AQI Chart

Where does MSD receive the air quality readings?

From the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) website at -



What else should we know about air quality?

  • The MSD Safety, Security and Emergency Management Department monitors AQI hourly: early morning, noon and late afternoon
  • They send out guidance when it changes categories 
  • You can monitor yourself as well, but use the DEQ website -
  • Communication and consistency is essential
  • Guidance applies to all groups using MSD facilities/fields
  • "In theory", the website updates 15 min past the hour
  • Conditions can change quickly – be prepared to pivot
  • We will be as reasonable as possible; our priority is first and foremost student, staff, athlete and spectator safety
  • The MSD Facilities Department will close fresh air intakes when necessary 
  • Doors and windows should remain closed to reduce the amount of smoke that enters into schools
  • The MSD Facilities Department changes HVAC filter 3-4 times per year with MERV 13 filters 
  • We also have multiple air scrubbers and hundreds of air purifiers that we deploy into schools when necessary