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Report a Safety Concern

All kids should feel safe and be safe at school. SafeOregon gives kids, parents, schools and their communities a way to confidentially or anonymously report safety threats or potential acts of violence. Together, we’ll empower people to speak out and spark change. One tip can save a life.

What Should I Report?

If you see or hear something that makes you worry a classmate may get hurt (or hurt someone) but you're not sure who to tell, you can report it to SafeOregon. Confidential or anonymous tips can be sent in by phone, text, email, or online.

Who Answers My Call?

A specifically trained call taker will receive the tip, 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week. Provide as much information as possible to the call takers.

Where Does the Tip Go?

The call taker sends the information to specific staff at your school. If the tip is serious, law enforcement may be called. Don't worry, staff who receive the tip care about protecting your identity.

What Happens Next?

The school (and/or law enforcement) will determine what do next. Thanks to you, the information is in the hands of those who are trained to respond to these situations.

Submit a Tip