This transfer is for students requesting to change school districts and requires approval from both the resident district and the receiving district. Interdistrict transfer requests need to be initiated in the district you reside in. Students can apply any time for the current school year; the application window for the upcoming year opens April 1. Completed Interdistrict applications can be returned to or
Complete the form below to be released from the Medford School District.
Complete the form below to apply for admission to the Medford School District.
Continuation Interdistrict Transfers
Complete this transfer form following a legal change of address to a different school district. If the move occurs during the school year, it enables the student to complete the current school year. If the move occurs during the summer prior to the school year, it enables the student to complete the school year following the summer.
If the student wishes to remain in the Medford School District the following year, they must apply for an Interdistrict transfer with their resident school district.
Please return Continuation Transfer forms to your current Medford school office.