Medford School District 549C
AZ Committee Analysis
The Medford School District Attendance Zoning Committee (AZ Committee) is made up of staff, families, and community members. They first convened in 2019 and again in January of 2022 with the task of creating new middle school attendance zones for the Medford School District Board of Directors to consider.
The committee determined its priorities when analyzing potential attendance zones and they are as follows:
- Capacity: reasonably equal for each middle school.
- Continuity of feeder patterns: Cohorts stay largely intact (as much as possible).
- Equitable student populations and opportunities at each school.
- Community voice throughout the process.
Using data, the committee created four scenarios for public feedback. The scenarios they created are linked below. After receiving much public feedback, they created a recommendation for the Board to consider. This is the current recommendation before the Board. The Board is expected to vote on June 2, 2022.