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Background Information

The Medford School District (MSD) is planning for the future! 

This report was created in 2019, but includes important historical data. 

The MSD is using all existing teaching spaces at many of our elementary schools! 

Check out how we remodeled and repurposed offices to gain new classrooms at Hoover and how we converted old computer lab space into space for students with behavior needs at Abraham Lincoln.

Current data shows the need for additional space for a growing population of Medford School District (MSD) students. 

The Facilities Optimization Committee, a committee formed in 2019 by community members, made the following recommendation to MSD administrators and the MSD Board of Education for the future of our district, which administrators and the board support:

  • Begin the process of converting the current Central Medford High School (CMHS) site into Middle School #3. 
    • The addition of a middle school in our district would allow sixth-graders to move to middle schools, freeing up classrooms at the elementary level.
    • It would also reduce the student populations at Hedrick and McLoughlin. 
    • The project could be completed without additional bond funds 
  • Further down the road, the committee supports:
    • Additional space at our high schools for CTE programs
    • Adding a 4th middle school
    • Adding an additional elementary school on the east side of Medford

What’s next in this process? 

  • A demographic study will be conducted.

We will be gathering input on the following:

  • Defining the educational/extracurricular programs offered in middle schools for grades 6-8 
  • The architectural drawings for the third middle school.
  • Establishing attendance boundaries for the 2021-2022 school year for middle schools in the Medford School District and considering attendance boundaries for elementary and high schools, as needed.

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